Veteran Affairs


Our team of patient advocates, respiratory therapists and nurses are dedicated to helping veterans with COPD and other chronic respiratory conditions breathe easier.

Are you suffering from these symptoms?

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Chest infections requiring frequent antibiotic use

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Persistent cough with thick, sticky mucus

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Hospitalizations due to respiratory issues

Philips InCourage vest therapy can help

Philips incourage blue vest

InCourage vest therapy is designed to ease the ​ respiratory symptoms of patients affected by a wide range of chronic respiratory conditions.
It works by creating percussion-like thumps to the chest, helping to loosen, thin and clear mucus out of the lungs.
At Veterans Medical Centers across the United States, the Philips InCourage system is routinely prescribed for in-home use, and Philips ClearChest hospital products are used to improve airway clearance in in-patient treatment settings.

Hundreds of veterans using the Philips InCourage system are living, breathing proof

After 12 months of InCourage vest therapy paired with RespirTech’s support program, patients reported life-changing results:1

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Respiratory health

Good-excellent rating increased

arrow up


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Ability to clear lungs

Good-excellent rating increased

arrow up


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Hospitalizations decreased

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Nurse helping patient put on the respirtech vest

InCourage vest therapy is designed to ease the respiratory symptoms of those affected by:


  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Symptomatic COPD
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Acute and chronic lung injuries
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Pulmonary issues caused by neuromuscular or neuromotor conditions
  • Post-surgical airway clearance needs

Is InCourage vest therapy covered for military veterans?

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Veterans challenged by diseases and conditions that can cause compromised airway clearance may qualify for coverage by government insurers — including, in the United States, the Veterans Health Administration (VA), Medicare and Medicaid.

Talking to your doctor is the first step to breathing easier

If you want to know if you qualify for InCourage vest therapy, it’s important talk to your doctor in order to determine if it’s the right treatment for you. Follow these simple steps:

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Fill out the contact form below to receive a complimentary information packet about InCourage vest therapy

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Share this information with your doctor by bringing the information packet to your next appointment to find out if you are a candidate for the InCourage system

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Your VA physician, or your local medical doctor can order through your local VA, and once the order is received the RespirTech team will quickly reach out for set-up and training

Complete this form to receive your InCourage information kit​

VA patients often qualify to receive the InCourage system to help treat their chronic respiratory conditions. Simply fill out the inquiry form below to receive an informational packet about vest therapy. You can share this information with your doctor to find out if you are a candidate for the InCourage system.

We’re here to help, every step of the way

RespirTech is here to help make starting, continuing with and seeing results from therapy as easy as possible through individualized support to each veteran:


  • A customer care team member is assigned to each patient to assist them in navigating the process and provides continuity in service
  • Licensed respiratory therapists and registered nurses provide in-home device training and education
  • RespirTech representatives provide ongoing patient follow-up and support through our VA outcomes program, encouraging adherence to prescribed therapies


1. Methodology: Phone surveys at regular intervals with VA patients using the InCourage system. Data collection began in 02/01/2020. As of 11/01/2022, 678 patients completed the baseline survey; 321 patients in 1-month cohort; 228 in 3-month cohort; 168 in 6-month cohort; 95 in 12- month cohort.


5905 Nathan Lane North, Suite 200, Plymouth, MN 55442

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